"14611236"^^ . "Paléontologue. - En poste : Department of earth sciences, University of Bristol, GB (en 1999)" . "Orr" . "0000000043291048" . . "male" . "Paléontologue. - En poste : Department of earth sciences, University of Bristol, GB (en 1999)" . "2005-03-08" . . "ISNI" . "2015-03-13" . . "Patrick J. Orr"@fr . . . . "Patrick J. Orr" . . . "Exceptionally preserved conchostracans and other crustaceans from the upper carboniferous of Ireland / by Patrick J. Orr and Derek E. G. Briggs, 1999. - . - LC authorities. - htp://authorities.loc.gov. - 2005-04-26"@fr . . . . "Patrick J." . . . "2015-03-12"^^ . . . . . . "Paléontologue. - En poste : Department of earth sciences, University of Bristol, GB (en 1999)"@fr .