. . . . "Timothy L." . "1993-10-20" . . "2013-07-26" . . "Biochimiste. - En poste au Department of biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA (en 1990)"@fr . "Biochimiste. - En poste au Department of biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA (en 1990)" . . "VIAF" . . . . . . "The cellular and molecular biology of pattern formation / ed. by David L. Stocum, Timothy L. Karr, [Division of developmental and cell biology of the American society of zoologists], 1990. - . - LCNA (CD OCLC), 1993-03. - . -"@fr . "Timothy L. Karr" . . . "0000000030965509" . "12342447"^^ . "Biochimiste. - En poste au Department of biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA (en 1990)" . . . . "Karr" . "Timothy L. Karr"@fr . "2013-07-26"^^ . . .