. . . . . "Documentaliste en théories du visuel, University of East London (en 1996)"@fr . . . "Michael O'Pray"@fr . . . "2013-08-03" . "2005-05-03" . "Documentaliste en théories du visuel, University of East London (en 1996)" . . . . . . . . "VIAF" . "0000000116011204" . . . . . . . . "Michael" . . "2013-08-02"^^ . "The British avant-garde film, 1926 to 1995 : an anthology of writings / ed. by Michael O'Pray, 1996. - . - Library of congress authorities. - http://authorities.loc.gov. - 2005-05-03"@fr . "14625429"^^ . "O'Pray" . . "Michael O'Pray" . . . . . . "male" . "Documentaliste en théories du visuel, University of East London (en 1996)" .