. "Moineau franc"@fr . "Pierrot (oiseau)"@fr . . "Rang taxonomique : espèce"@fr . "2018-09-11" . "2008-09-05" . "ITIS. - http://www.itis.gov. - 2011-06-16 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. - http://www.iucnredlist.org. - 2011-06-16 Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel. - http://inpn.mnhn.fr. - 2011-06-16"@fr . . . "15773146"^^ . . . "Grand dict. encyclopédique Larousse (art. : Moineau ; Pierrot). - . - Encycl. universalis. - http://www.universalis-edu.com. - 2011-06-16"@fr . . "Cinfo. - http://www.ona.vu/cinfo. - 2011-06-16 Dict. of animal names in five languages, birds / R. L. Boehme, V. E. Flint, 1994. - . - Grzimek's animal life encycl.. Volume 11, Birds IV, 2003. - . -"@fr . "Fringilla domestica"@fr . . . "English sparrow" . . "Passer domesticus"@fr . . . "Moineau domestique"@fr .