Country : | Argentine |
Language : | Spanish; Castilian |
Gender : | Masculin |
Birth : | 1898 |
Death : | 1971 |
Ark identifier : | ark:/12148/cb11186015m |
ISNI : | ISNI 0000 0001 0782 7041 (Information about ISNI) |
Activities of Conrado Nalé Roxlo (1898-1971) (9 resources in data.bnf.fr: see all these resources)
Collaborations (3 resources in data.bnf.fr: see all these resources)
This section explores the network of joint contributions between Conrado Nalé Roxlo (1898-1971) and other people or organisations. Filters allow you to choose the role of each contributor, and to select only contemporary collaborations, i.e. those in which at least one of the contributions was published during both contributors' lifetimes.
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