"Michael M. Swindle"@fr . "male" . "Michael M. Swindle" . . "ISNI" . "2015-03-14" . "Médecin-vétérinaire. - En poste : American College of Laboratory animal medicine, Depatment of Comparative Medicine, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Charleton, S. C. (en 1998)" . . . . . . . . . . . "Médecin-vétérinaire. - En poste : American College of Laboratory animal medicine, Depatment of Comparative Medicine, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Charleton, S. C. (en 1998)" . . . . . . . "2003-01-22" . . . . . . "0000000100829917" . "Médecin-vétérinaire. - En poste : American College of Laboratory animal medicine, Depatment of Comparative Medicine, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Charleton, S. C. (en 1998)"@fr . "Swindle" . . . "14448946"^^ . . . . . . "Michael M." . . "2015-03-13"^^ .