"1989-08-21" . . . "She weepeth sore in the night"@en . "Canon à 4 voix à l'unisson. - Éd. dans : Choice psalmes put into musick, for three voices : Londres : H. Moseley, 1648"@fr . . . . . . "fully established"@en . . "[She weepeth sore in the night]" . "Canon à 4 voix à l'unisson. - Éd. dans : Choice psalmes put into musick, for three voices : Londres : H. Moseley, 1648"@fr . . . . . . "13915472"^^ . . . . . . . "2016-01-08" . . . . . . . "[She weepeth sore in the night]"@en . "William Lawes / Murray Lefkowitz, 1960. - . - Choice psalmes put into musick, for three voices [Musique imprimée]. The most of which may properly enough be sung by any three, with a thorough base. Compos'd by Henry and William Lawes, brothers ; and servants to His Majestie. With divers elegies, set in musick by sev'rall friends, upon the death of William Lawes. And at the end of the thorough base are added nine canons of three and foure voices, made by William Lawes., 1648. - . -"@fr .